Privacy statement

This privacy statement applies to Hokra and its digital solutions.

Contact details
Hokra B.V. 
De Vort 5
4225SH / Noordeloos

Contact details for privacy-related questions:
Contact person: Ankie Crielaard
Telephone number: 0183- 587400

Personal data
A personal data is any information about an identified or identifiable natural person. This means that information is either directly about someone or can be traced back to that person. The fact that it must be a natural person means that data from deceased individuals or organisations is not personal data. 

The following personal data are processed by Hokra and are only used for the purpose(s) described under the heading 'Purposes'.

  • Company name
  • NAW data
  • VAT numbers
  • Telephone number(s)
  • Email address(es)
  • Bank details 

The data processed by Hokra are used for the following purposes:

  • Sending ordered items
  • Contacting in response to a comment on our website

The personal data requested and received will be transferred to:

Van Oord Marine ingenuity

The personal data requested for the actions described under 'Purposes' will be kept as long as the relationship between the data subject, Hokra as service provider and Van Oord Marine ingenuity exists. Should there no longer be a relationship 7 years after the last contact, the data will be deleted and/or destroyed and will not be further processed for other purposes.

Hokra takes the protection of your data seriously and takes appropriate measures to counter abuse, loss, unauthorised access, unwanted disclosure and unauthorised modification. 

The domains below use a reliable SSL Certificate to ensure that your personal data does not fall into the wrong hands.

If you have the impression that your data is not properly secured or there are indications of misuse, or if you would like more information about the security of personal data collected by us, please contact Hokra using the contact details above.

Inspection, rectification and/or deletion
The data subject (the person to whom the personal data applies) has the right to inspect or delete the requested data. Also, the data subject has the right to rectification in case of incorrect publication (other than specified by the data subject) of the data (when consent has been given for this). 

Also, if the personal data was obtained with consent, there is a right to withdraw this consent.

To request inspection or deletion of your data, please contact Hokra at . We will respond to your request as soon as possible, but within four weeks.
Data subject has the right to lodge a complaint against the processing or handling of your personal data. This can be done with the Personal Data Authority. Before doing so, always contact Hokra, the organisation processing your data.

A website is used to collect your data. This website contains cookies.

A cookie is a small text file that is placed on, for example, your computer, tablet or smartphone during your visit to a website. Information is stored in this text file. This information can be recognised again by this website on a later visit. And sometimes another website can also read the cookie and store information in it. 

Some cookies are necessary because otherwise the website will not work. There are also cookies that are useful for the visitor. For example, because it remembers in which language you want to read the website. But many cookies are used to keep track of what you do on the internet. For example, which pages you have looked at. 
We use necessary cookies that remember basic settings and track statistics. In addition, functional cookies are set that allow pages to be shared via social media.

Exceptions and/or additions

Third countries:
There is data that is stored on servers located outside Europe. Most data that is not stored in Europe is stored with companies in America. Companies that handle this data adequately are certified with the Privacy Shield. Google Analytics, Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn hold this certificate.

Google Analytics:
We use Google Analytics to track how visitors use the website. This information, together with your computer's IP address, is stored by Google on servers in the United States. Google uses this information to track how our website is used to provide us with reports on the website and to provide its advertisers with information on the effectiveness of their campaigns.

Google may provide this information to third parties if Google is legally required to do so, or insofar as these third parties process the information on Google's behalf. We have no influence on this.

Social Media:
The website includes buttons (and/or links) to promote or share pages on various social media channels such as Facebook and LinkedIn. These buttons are realised by code provided by Facebook and LinkedIn themselves. Among other things, this code places a cookie to analyse visitor behaviour.

Read the privacy statements of these social media (which may change regularly) to see what they do with the personal data they process with this code. We have no influence on this.

Below are the links to the privacy statements of Google, Facebook and LinkedIn.

On this website, we use only functional cookies to optimize the user experience of the website. Which cookies these are, you can read in the privacy statement. We can place these cookies without your permission and they have very little impact on your privacy. We do not place cookies for which we need your permission. OK Allow Refuse Read more about it in our privacy statement. /privacy-statement Cookie settings This field is not filled in The entered text is too short The entered text is too long